Cybersecurity as the basic for state and society security in the XXI venstury


cybersecurity system

How to Cite

Małgorzata , B. (2017). Cybersecurity as the basic for state and society security in the XXI venstury. Safety & Defense, 3(1), 8-13.


Cybersecurity is one of the most common security topics at present times. Society has enormous capabilities and possibilities in the cyberspace, which create opportunities and threats as well. A cyberwar, cyberterrorism and cybercrime have permanently entered the catalog of threats for security. This kind of situation in a cyberspace determines the need for coordinated activities at international and national level which will provide an acceptable level of security in this area.
This article presents and briefly outlines threats for the state cybersecurity. There are also presented activities aimed to provide protection in this area. In addition, the author analyzed the current structure of the cybersecurity system in the Republic of Poland.


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