Factors Determining a Drone Swarm Employment in Military Operations


capabilities of drone swarm
command and control models
drone swarm
military operations
anned aerial vehicle

How to Cite

Zieliński, T. (2021). Factors Determining a Drone Swarm Employment in Military Operations. Safety & Defense, 7(1), 59 - 71. https://doi.org/10.37105/sd.112


The aim of this study is to identify a drone swarm’s capabilities and the key factors influencing its employment in military operations. The research takes the quantitative analysis of scientific literature related to the technical and operational utilization of drones. The use of drones for military purposes in contemporary world is widespread. They conduct dull, dirty, dangerous and deep military operations replacing manned aviation in many areas. Progressive technological development including artificial intelligence and machine learning allows for the use of military drones in the form of a swarm. It is a quite new technology at the beginning of development. The study indicates that the capabilities of a drone swarm based on communication within the group and autonomy differentiate it from the typical use of unmanned aircraft. Size, diversity, self-configurability and self-perfection amongst the others indicated in literature are attributes of a drone swarm which may give advantage in military operation comparing to the classic use of unmanned aircraft. Emergent coordination as a command and control model of a drone swarm is a future way of utilizing that technology in military operations. In the future, a drone swarm will be a cheaper equivalent of advanced and much more expensive weapon systems conducting combat operations.



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