The Multi-Criteria Method for the Evaluation of Combat Capabilities of Anti-aircraft Missile Systems Under the NAREW Programme


air defense
combat capabilities
multi-criteria analysis
NAREW program
surface to air missile (SAM) system

How to Cite

Kulik, T. (2021). The Multi-Criteria Method for the Evaluation of Combat Capabilities of Anti-aircraft Missile Systems Under the NAREW Programme . Safety & Defense, 7(2), 90-104.


The selection of weapon systems involves a number of activities to choose the best system in relation to the predefined operational requirements and other vital criteria. In the case of surface to air missile systems competing for the NAREW program, attempts are being made to obtain an asset that will be capable of engaging a spectrum of air threats, under specified conditions, with a predefined high degree of probability. In order to make the right choice, it is necessary to analyze information on performance and combat capabilities. Thus, the aim of this article is to develop a preliminary method of evaluating the capabilities of surface to air missile systems offered under the NAREW program. The theoretical foundation of the empirical study was provided by the method of literature content analysis. Using the methods of comparison and generalization, the author obtained data on the combat capabilities of surface to air missile systems expressed through their tactical and technical parameters. Among the empirical methods, the author applied the algorithm of a multi-criteria analysis and an assessment of the capabilities of surface to air missile systems based on the use of matrix calculus. The diagnostic survey, conducted by means of the questionnaire technique, made it possible to prioritize the adopted evaluation criteria and, consequently, to conduct proper research. The formulation of the final conclusions and establishing the links between the theoretical and empirical part of the study was achieved by means of a synthesis. The results obtained in such a manner may constitute a valuable information database, showing the directions that should be considered when selecting a short-range surface to air missile (SAM) system for Poland. The evaluations and suggestions included in this study can be used for prospective solutions and research conducted in a similar area.


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