Impact of the Static Pressure Measurement Accuracy on Barometric Altimeter Errors


Barometric altimeter, error correction, external disturbance, MEMS

How to Cite

Matyja, T., Stanik, Z., & Kubik, A. (2022). Impact of the Static Pressure Measurement Accuracy on Barometric Altimeter Errors. Safety & Defense, 8(2), 62-71.


The horizontal movement of the pressure sensor in relation to air masses may cause erroneous indications of the altimeter due to the possible measurement of the total pressure, which is the sum of the static and dynamic pressure. This problem mainly concerns devices of small dimensions equipped with barometric altimeters made in MEMS technology, performing complex movements. Small dimensions make it difficult to arrange the pressure intake slots in a way that ensures the measurement of static pressure. Examples include drones (UAH) or bike computers. The aim of the research was to develop an altitude correction formula depending on the speed of the pressure sensor relative to air, which, contrary to those found in the literature, would take into account changes in air density with altitude. The theoretical analysis of the influence of the speed of movement on the indications of the barometric altimeter was evaluated in this paper based on the standard atmosphere model. Methods of correcting errors caused by the measurement of total pressure were proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed methods was verified with simulations (Matlab). Experimental studies were also carried out, which confirmed the theoretical considerations. The experiments performed showed that the problem of correcting errors caused by incorrect measurement of static pressure is very complex. The inertia of the barometer indications plays an important role. The direction of airflow and pressure distribution on the flowing object are also important. The results presented in this paper can be used in the design of systems that improve the quality of barometric altimeter readings. This is particularly important when designing low-budget drone navigation systems and it will improve flight safety.


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