IAMD (Integrated Air and Missile Defence) Strategic Aspects with SBAD Focus


Air threat
Integrated Air and Missile Defence
Missile Defence
Strategic aspect

How to Cite

Pietrus, T. (2023). IAMD (Integrated Air and Missile Defence) Strategic Aspects with SBAD Focus. Safety & Defense, 9(1), 69-73. https://doi.org/10.37105/sd.200


The main aim of this article is to prove the importance of strategic aspects of Integrated Air and Missile Defence especially with focus on SBAD (Surface Based Air Defence) systems. To achieve the aim, theoretical research methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization were applied. The results show that the strategic aspects of Integrated Air and Missile Defence should be considered as the crucial elements of the military deterrence for NATO. In addition offensive action must be consider also as a defencise posture. Thus, the formulated thesis undermines the up-to-date understanding of the problem, and therefore may contribute to further discussion on the topic of using means of defensive deterrence for NATO. Once again, this is highly important to have, develop and operate such systems nowadays. IAMD has become one of the most important pillars of the security of NATO countries. Due to the fact that this article is unclassified, it is remaining on generic statements and not dig in into details which are normally more sensitive.



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