This article is an attempt to comprehensively identify the sources of weather condition information in relation to the occurrence of aviation accidents. This issue, according to the authors, should be considered in the following main areas: the actual weather condition at the scene of the accident and its impact on the course of the accident, the information obtained by the flight crew about the weather condition before the flight, the correctness of the crew's decision on how to carry out the flight on the basis of the information obtained about the weather condition.
This publication first discusses the legal basis and requirements for meteorological protection of aviation activities and the resulting consequences. This is followed by a discussion of the meteorological data available for use in the investigation of aviation incidents. This is realized in relation to various weather conditions. All messages and forecasts are characterized, and the possibilities for their use in conducting air accident investigations are discussed. In doing so, a selection of the main meteorological phenomena that may directly or indirectly impact flight safety is discussed.
Sources of weather information for accident investigators and their importance for the investigation are identified. Methods of cross-checking actual weather conditions at the accident scene are indicated.
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