A Study of the Trajectory of an Aerobalistic Rocket Based on the 9m723 Missile


Aeroballistic missile
missile control
reverse engineering
Safety & Defense
trajectory analysis

How to Cite

Dziczkaniec, R., Noga, T., Matysek, K., & Umiński, P. (2024). A Study of the Trajectory of an Aerobalistic Rocket Based on the 9m723 Missile. Safety & Defense, 10(2), 8-22. https://doi.org/10.37105/sd.231


This article presents the modeling of and research on the flight trajectory of an aeroballistic missile using MATLAB/Simulink software. This article adopts the 9M723 rocket as a focus of research because the Iskander system missile is an ideal example of an SRBM (Short-range ballistic missile), which, due to the shape of its flight trajectory, is quite a challenge for the defending side. The research was carried out by performing a series of computer simulations of the 9M723 rocket model in six degrees of freedom, where flight parameters were examined for the boost, mid-course and terminal phases. The parameters of the 9M723 rocket were gathered from publicly accessible data, with estimations of mass-inertial, aerodynamic, and motor thrust characteristics conducted using AutoCAD and Prodas software tools. Simulation studies show an envelope of possible trajectories of the 9M723 missile. Terminal maneuvers result in a significant reduction in the final velocity of the missile. Moreover, the maneuvering capabilities of the Iskander system rocket above 25 km altitude are very limited due to the small control surface and low air density. Due to its high velocity during flight (up to 2 km/s), the Iskander remains in the theoretical missile defense range only temporarily. The research conducted on the trajectory of an aeroballistic missile allows us to learn the flight parameters of SRBMs and investigate the spectra of threats that anti-missile defense systems face.

The flight simulation program used in this article was initially developed to analyze civil rockets. However, for the purpose of this article, it has been adapted for the analysis of a military rocket.



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