Carburetor Icing as a Source of Flight Safety Hazards



How to Cite

Konieczka, R., & Frąk, K. (2024). Carburetor Icing as a Source of Flight Safety Hazards. Safety & Defense, 10(2), 35-42.


The objective of the study is to assess the impact of carburetor icing on flight safety hazards. The introductory section of the article presents key information on carburetor systems and characterizes the phenomenon of carburetor icing, along with the mechanism of its occurrence. The main portion of the study was based on an analysis of eighteen reports of aviation accidents involving carburetor icing. These reports were selected from the PKBWL report database over the past 20 years. The goal of this analysis was to identify the primary factors contributing to such accidents, determine their causes, and propose preventive measures for this type of incident. The following primary causes of carburetor icing were identified: pilots' lack of awareness regarding the existing risk, incorrect beliefs that icing only occurs at subzero temperatures, inadequate training of aviation personnel in recognizing and preventing icing, lack of knowledge on how to operate the carburetor heater, and insufficient pre-flight inspections of the heater system. Based on the analysis, proposals were formulated to mitigate the occurrence of icing. It should be noted that these primarily concern human factors, which were found to be the most significant in the cases studied.


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