On Security Education in Poland. The Essence and Content of the Subject of Education


security education
civil defense course

How to Cite

URYCH, I. (2019). On Security Education in Poland. The Essence and Content of the Subject of Education. Safety & Defense, 5(2), 22-27. https://doi.org/10.37105/sd.52


The purpose of this article is to highlight the essence and content of teaching this subject, which was introduced in Polish schools on 1 September 2009. To achieve this goal, the importance of education and, specifically, security education is discussed. The essence of security education is then presented, and it replacing the currently implemented defense adaptation is explained. Subsequently, the educational content of security education was discussed. The aim of the study was based on theoretical research methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, and inference.
The conclusion encourages further reflection on this subject because education is an important area for ensuring security; hence, education in security from pre-school education to adult education can be found in Polish education. The tendency toward change testifies to broader cognitive perspectives, especially in the area of personnel and structural security of individuals and social groups. It also testifies to the understanding of the essence and importance of education itself.



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