This article proposes a unified theory of logistics for the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine based on the existing theories of armament and the logistics of the Armed Forces, and on the general laws and established consistent patterns, trends, principles, forms and methods of the use of the logistics of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The objective function of the logistics system of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is formulated to achieve compliance of the capabilities of this system with the predicted volume of logistics tasks. In order to implement this compliance, it is necessary to ensure the convergence of requirements and capabilities at all levels of logistics management. The assessment of the functioning of the Air Forces logistics system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is proposed on the basis of the stated views on the logistics theory of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by assessing the set of real capabilities of each subsystem that is a part of its structure and system as a whole. At the same time, the assessment of the quality of the logistic support of the military units (formations) of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine should be related to the level of implementation of the potential capabilities of the logistics system when solving problems of each subsystem at the various stages of combat training, unblocking and operational deployment, the preparation and conduct of operations (combat actions), restoration of combat capability of troops (forces).
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