The Integrated Military Information System of the Ministry of National Defense in the Aviation School Airbase


information system
logistics support
military logistics
ERP system

How to Cite

Bogusz, D. (2020). The Integrated Military Information System of the Ministry of National Defense in the Aviation School Airbase. Safety & Defense, 6(1), 22-30.


This article describes the Integrated Military Information System (IMIS), which is being gradually introduced in the Ministry of National Defense.  The modern IMIS system is intended to form the foundations of effective management of the Air Force logistics. At present, military units often have to carry out their tasks in a coalition or allied environment and the integrated information system is a key to ensuring a successful outcome of these activities.

This author also focus on airbase tasks on the example of 42  Aviation School Airbase in Radom. The article also describes the implementation effects of IMIS on enhanced functioning of the airbase logistics in this process.


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