The Importance of Military Information Security


information security
military security
national security

How to Cite

Sługocki, W., & Walkowiak, M. (2021). The Importance of Military Information Security. Safety & Defense, 7(1), 1-13.


The main goal of the research is to identify the key problems related to information security in the armed forces and to classify the most important factors and aspects necessary to increase security. The implemented research methods include a critical analysis of legal acts, organizational and competence documents, literature on the subject. Synthesis and inference were employed to achieve the formulated goals. The main findings indicate that the armed forces' information security system will play an increasingly important role in shaping the security of modern states and should be treated as a priority. The results of the analyzes indicate that in the coming years, the main challenge of modern armies will be to strengthen the offensive and defensive information capabilities of the state. The general findings of this article present the view that information security is a key task for the armed forces to ensure national security. Therefore, it is necessary to revise, clarify and tighten up the procedures in force for the protection of key information processed in the state -especially in the armed forces – which should have adequate capabilities to conduct complex operations in cyberspace. Moreover, the need for a thorough and comprehensive analysis of this topic is confirmed.


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