Foreword of the Editor-in-Chief
We would like to present you with the first edition in 2019 of our scientific and technical journal Safety&Defense. We are thereby continuing yet another year of our journalistic activities, which has been noted and appreciated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. This recognition has been expressed by the fact that Safety & Defense has obtained a positive assessment in the Support for Academic Journals competition.
I am deeply convinced that the support we have received will contribute to the dynamic development of our journal and improving its rank and quality. We also intend to undertake a wide range of activities that will enable us to increase its recognition not only in Poland, but also abroad.
In this edition of Safety & Defense, we present eight peer-reviewed articles which present the latest research results concentrated on several areas of security. One of them is research into the methods and ways of counteracting attacks by using small unmanned aerial vehicles. In this scope, a particular method that can be divided into several phases is presented: identifying threats, preparing for preventative actions, conducting counteraction including detection, tracking, identification, making decisions regarding the manner of counteraction and improving the anti-drone system. In this edition, we also encourage you to read other interesting articles on the following topics:
• technical and organizational aspects of security associated with the use of aviation weapons and the transportation of hazardous materials in light of applicable Polish and international laws;
• elaboration of a coherent cybersecurity strategy which will enable a systematic approach to this essential element of national security; another important issue is also the efficient management of cyber risk in relations to the state’s entire infrastructure including maritime infrastructure. Cyber-attacks cause a lot of damage as they entail financial loses, damage to goods and other effects, e.g. legal;
• providing security for air bases against air attacks with the use of land air defense systems, airplanes and other active and passive measures. The great importance of the issue raised is the result of the conclusions and experiences obtained from war and armed conflicts which confirm that the destruction of air bases is one of the aggressor’s priorities particular in the early stages of activities, which is described in subject related literature as the fight for predominance in the air;
• the growing dynamic interest in the use of artificial satellites for military purposes, which are increasingly available and are based on the latest products of space technology. Hence, outer space should be seen in the future as a potential stage for military activity;
• supporting information and decision making processes in air defense with the use of computer simulation which allow for conducting experiments by using models reflecting various fragments of reality in the attlefield including activities in airspace.
We cordially invite you to read through the current issue.
Adam Radomyski