The aim of this paper is to determine the current development status of individual NATO development areas as well as to indicate further research directions. Six research areas in which NATO develops its technologies that influence the high militarization level of the alliance were shown. These include Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, autonomy, quantum technology, space technology and hypersonic capabilities of the alliance, as well as Biotechnology and Human Enhancement. The development of Big Data will significantly increase the alliance’s threat detection, reconnaissance, and identification capabilities and allow for the diagnosis of anomalies and internal threats. Artificial Intelligence can be used for effective military operations (aircraft air combat) and also in intelligence analysis for data collection, processing and search. Autonomy in allied operations will allow the use of unmanned aerial systems and their operations in urbanized terrain and increase situational awareness through continuous monitoring of the combat environment. Quantum technology will allow for increased allied capabilities in the areas of communications, information technology, precision navigation and time delivery systems, and sensing. Space technologies and the acquisition of hypersonic technologies will contribute to reconnaissance and intelligence capabilities, and hypersonic missiles will further provide strategic warfare assets. The research results on biotechnology and Human Enhancement by NATO will provide knowledge for enhancing the psychophysical capabilities of soldiers.
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