The Editorial Board carries out an initial evaluation of the submitted papers taking into account the quality of the sent article and its compliance with the journal’s profile.
The approved papers are then sent to at least two independent reviews specializing in the discipline.
According to the double-blind review rule, neither the reviewers know the authors’ identity, not the authors the names of reviewers. Once a year, the Editorial Board publishes the list of reviewers on the webpage.
Papers positively appraised and corrected in accordance with the reviewers’ remarks and suggestions are then selected to be published in a particular volume of the journal.
In compliance with the policy of transparency and provision of information on agents who participate in research publication, the Editorial Board works against any form of academic conduct, including ghostwriting (not revealing shared authorship) and guest authorship (designating as authors or co-authors people whose contribution in writing the manuscript was minimal or non-existent). Hence, the Board requires from the authors a declaration regarding the contribution made by the authors. All discovered cases of dishonesty will be disclosed.