Accidents, Aviation Incidents, Acts of Terror and Other Dangers in Aviation


air traffic protection
air traffic safety
aviation accidents
aviation incidents

How to Cite

Mendala, J., & Mendala, O. (2023). Accidents, Aviation Incidents, Acts of Terror and Other Dangers in Aviation. Safety & Defense, 9(2), 34-39.


The purpose of this article is to show the relationship between international, EU and national laws, assuming primarily the nature of public and international law in the field of air traffic safety, the entities and their tasks implementing aviation safety regulations and procedures, along with a discussion of the basic concepts that allow the distinction and qualification of a given event to a specific category, along with the procedures to be undertaken by the state bodies empowered to do so. This article also reveals the issues of cooperation and exchange of information between the authorities of signatory states and the authorities of international organizations such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), as well as between a European Union member state and EU authorities. It also points out the responsibilities of airport operators and third parties witnessing aviation incidents.


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