Impact of New Technologies on Developing Aviation Safety Training


new technology
safety aviation
safety training
SWOT analysis

How to Cite

Żmigrodzka, M. (2023). Impact of New Technologies on Developing Aviation Safety Training. Safety & Defense, 9(2), 27-33.


Aviation safety training requires meticulous procedures and constant updating. The development of new technologies in aviation makes it possible to visualize difficult situations and transfer them to various types of simulations. It is theorized that, in addition to basic textbooks, a trainee is able to absorb more material in less time thanks to new tools such as virtual reality. The purpose of this article is to compare the level of training in the traditional mode and with the use of a VR lab. The research methods presented in this article are in line with the discipline of security sciences, which arises from the social need to learn about the reality around us. Observations made in a study conducted on a group of students provided answers about the opportunities and threats that VR applications introduced in the training system.


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