The rationale behind this article is to address a critical gap in research: the evolving threat of space terrorism. As space assets increasingly become integral components of both civilian and military security systems, their vulnerability to attacks escalates. The democratization of space weaponry, including advanced cyber technologies, signals an escalating risk to these space assets and their terrestrial infrastructure. This threat extends beyond traditional space powers to include non-state actors, such as terrorist individuals and groups or various proxy forces, who were previously considered marginal threats.
This paper aims to lay a foundational framework by providing a historical overview of terrorism and security incidents involving outer space assets, their cyber systems, and ground support structures. This compilation serves as a basis for a deeper, methodological, and systematic examination of the nature and implications of space terrorism.
In order to define the initial concept of space terrorism, this paper draws on an extensive literature review. The selection of security breach cases within the broad spectrum of the space sector was guided by their novelty, diversity, and relevance, offering insights into the emerging phenomenon of space terrorism.
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