Asian Cyber Security Standards


safety standards
commercial defense
IT infrastructure

How to Cite

Kuczabski, M. (2020). Asian Cyber Security Standards. Safety & Defense, 6(2), 21-32.


The scientific considerations presented in this article concern the threat of the cyber security quality system resulting from the unclear security standards introduced by China. Over the past few years, the Chinese government has issued nearly 300 new national standards related to cyber security. These standards cover a range of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services as well as products, including software, routers, switches and firewalls. These standards contribute to the threat to the cyber security quality system, The situation becomes more difficult the more the United States exerts pressure on the Western world towards Chinese companies investing outside of China and for Western companies investing in China. The purpose of the analysis is to identify those threats, which are also difficulties encountered by Western companies trying to develop business in China in order to minimize them. The study was designed as an analysis of Chinese standardization policy documents in the area of cybersecurity and their confrontation with the practice of applying to foreign enterprises, as well as analysis of international standardization and standardization reports and documents in the field of cybersecurity. The theoretical research methods used in this study are: synthesis, analysis, abstraction and generalization.


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